Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Submitt PDUs from reading Books

I have submitted 10 PDUs for reading a book over a period of 2.5 weeks. However, they were not approved immediately by PMI. Is everything ok?

1 Answers
Edward Chung Staff answered 8 years ago

Sure, everything should be okay as PMI needs some time to assess your claim to see if the book is eligible and your claim for 10 PDUs is reasonable. The process usually takes around 2 weeks during which PMI may send you an email asking you to support your claim with evidence (e.g. your own study notes, discussion, etc.). 
And according to my own experience, PMI may reduce the number of PDUs you can get from reading the book as not every single hour of reading a book will be counted as 1 PDU. PMI has the final say on that.
Wish you can claim the PDUs successfully.