PMP Exam 2021 Lessons Learned: More than 50% of Questions about Agile/Hybrid Project Management

PMP Exam Experience Sharing

As said, the new PMP Exam 2021 is not a beast to be frightened of! We have a piece of good news from Kiran Mudiyam who passed the PMP Exam 2021 recently, below are the lessons learned from the PMP Exam preparation:

Reading books (PMBOK® Guide or Rita 10th edition or any other book and Agile guide) for one time is enough, but one needs to practice a lot of questions.

Have a very good understanding of Project Manager role in Predictive (planning, documentation are critical) and Agile (working as Servant Leader and empowering team is important)

I have followed some youtube videos of Amer Ali (“coaching call” & “journey of” videos) and also Praizion, Andrew Ramdayal & PMPWithRay practice question videos. These helped me a lot to understand gaps, master elimination technique, how to answer situational questions of what PM should do first, do next, do best, etc

I recommend below online free 2021 format practice exams:

I got ~10 drag & drop matching, ~8 select 2 answers, ~2 select 3 answer questions. No hotspot, No True or False, No Fill in the blanks. No formulae based questions and did not use a calculator or whiteboard. There were questions on SPI, CPI but I didn’t need a calculator. No EMV, critical path related calculator questions.

More than 50% from Agile/Hybrid. No specific questions on Kanban, Lean or XP. One straightforward question on usage of Scrum of Scrum. All 180 questions are situational except the ‘drag and drop’ questions.

More questions were on how Project Manager would have avoided a situation; most of the time the answer was ‘planning’ would have been done properly, communication or stakeholder identification/engagement would have been done properly.

No Questions on any Motivational Theory. 1 Question on Tuckman.
1 Question on Benefits Realization Plan

Some situational questions on Project Manager response:

  • Your Organization moving from Predictive to Agile.
  • A new team member joined the Agile team.
  • A scrum team member fell sick in the middle of Sprint.
  • A junior team member replaced an experienced critical engineer.

Tips on exam day:

  • Drag and drop “recording pane” from top to bottom before you start answering the first question.
  • Review your time taken for the first 60Q, then see if it is worth ‘marking’ any question for revisit.
  • If you are unable to judge the answer for any question for more than 2 minutes, click on any one answer and move on.
  • Utilise the 2 ten minutes breaks to relax, have quick energy bites and/or a coffee.

~ Kiran Mudiyam, PMP

Thanks Kiran Mudiyam for the PMP Exam lessons learned!

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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2 Responses

  1. Suresh Lakshmipathy says:

    I just passed my PMP with flying colors, under the new structure. Just want to share some of my thoughts on this
    – I used the PMBOK guide, Udemy course by Joseph Phillips and of course the study notes from Edward! I truly believe that the last one gave me enough confidence to come through in flying colors, big thanks to Edward for logical structure and ease of use of finding the requirement information. This site is a huge service and asset to the PMP community, so thanks again for this.
    – As pointed out, the bulk (>50%) of questions are Agile or Hybrid based. So be prepared for that, although I felt that the questions were logical if you have your foundational elements rights.
    – PMI is interested in understanding as to how will you as a PM, interpret and solve real world problems on your project. So the questions were also in tune with that thought process.
    – Exam was for a total of 270 minutes, in which you get to answer 180 question. It gets a bit interesting here, you have 3 sections of 60 questions each! Unless you submit the first 60 questions, only then you can go to next 60 and so on. Do note that once reviewed, you submit your response and move on (as though you start a new exam) to new section. So the sections are independent, but the scoring is all together.
    – You get an optional break of 10 minutes after the first 60 questions. Each section is not time bound, I finished the first section of 60 questions in about 80 minutes and caught up on section 2 in 55 minutes and so on. However as a guideline, the ACTUAL exam duration is 230 minutes plus 2 optional breaks of 10 minutes each (take it or forego it) and some time to read through rules, regulations , how to take exam etc. For instance, just as a comparison, I took the exam for 230 minutes +1 break of 10 minutes (I gave up the other one as I was eager to get going) + 10 minutes of getting to know how to take test, answer questions etc. So it was about a little over 4 hours, and an additional 15 minutes for ID verification, checks etc. Very streamlined if you take it in the centers. not sure about online. Hope this information is useful for budding PMs 🙂 All the best!!!