PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Notes 12: Starting Up a Project Process
Important: The new PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner exams (PRINCE2® 2017) are available from 10 July 2017 (details of the changes here). Don’t worry, the changes are quite minor indeed as all the 7 principles, themes and processes remain the same. From now on until the end of 2017, candidates can take either the existing or updated English versions of the PRINCE2® exam. All PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner exams will be based on PRINCE2® 2017 from 1 January 2018. You can still seize the time to get certified based on the current version! Once you get PRINCE2® certified, your certification is still valid under PRINCE2® 2017 and onwards!
Introduction: In PRINCE2®, there are 7 Processes that provide guidance on every stage of the project from initiation to completion. The “Starting Up a Project Process” (which is also known as “Pre-project”) is the very first and a brief PRINCE2® Process aiming at ensuring the project is viable, feasible and worthwhile to undertake.
Article Highlights
Starting Up a Project (SU) Process
Purpose and Objectives of Starting Up a Project Process
- Purpose: to provide the project board with the necessary information (besides the project mandate) to decide whether to give a go for the project and to plan for the Initiation Stage
- Objectives:
- prepare the Outline Business Case (which will be refined in Initiation Stage as the Business Case)
- take references to lessons learned from other projects/industrial recommendations/organization guidelines to establish the project approach
- assign roles to individuals involved in the project
- create the Project Brief — an overview of the scope and other information collected in the Process
- formulate the Stage Plan for the Initiation Stage
Input(s), Activities and Output(s) of Starting Up a Project Process
- Input(s):
- Project Mandate (as the Project Trigger) — supplied by the management including reasons for the project, business case information and other datas
- Activities:
- Management to appoint the Executive, Project Manager and Project Management Team
- Capture Lessons Learned from previous projects
- Expand the Project Mandate into the Project Brief
- Refine the Outline Business Case among the Project Board, Project Manager and Stakeholders iteratively
- Create the Project Product Description (PPD), Project Brief and Stage Plan
- Project Board to authorize Project Initiation
- Output(s):
- Project Brief — containing the following documents/information
- Outline Business Case — contains the business justifications for the project
- Project Product Description (PPD) — 1-3 page describing the project products
- Project Management Structure (PMT) — describing the project management structure (i.e. the Project Board, Assurance, Change Authority and Project Manager)
- Project Approach — the approach to project management
- 6 performance targets, roles & responsibilities
- Initiation Stage Plan — detailed activity plan for the Initiation Stage
- Request to Initiate the Project — sent to Project Board for endorsement
- Project Brief — containing the following documents/information
PRINCE2® Recommendations for Starting Up a Project Process
- Design and assign the project management team
- Create role descriptions (including reporting and communication lines) for Project Board roles, Project Assurance, Team Managers and Project Support role
- Identified risks are to be added to the Daily Log
- The Outline Business Case is only developed with a high level overview at this time — to be refined in the “Initiating a Project” process
- Have a clear understanding of the objectives and reasons of the project (what to deliver and how the project will be funded)
Roles and Responsibilities for Starting Up a Project Process
- Corporate or Programme Management: provide the project mandate, set the project tolerance and appoint the Executive & Project Manager
- Executive: responsible for the Outline Business Case (with assistance from Project Manager)
- Senior User(s): provide information for Project Product Description
- Project Manager: responsible for the Project Product Description (PPD), Project Brief and Stage Plan
- Team Manager: assist project manager
“Starting Up a Project (SU) Process” describes the purpose, objectives, inputs, activities, outputs and recommendations from the perspective of PRINCE2® project management methodology. The “Starting Up a Project (SU) Process” has the sole purpose to answer the question: “Is the project worthwhile and viable?” with the minimum efforts.
Wish you PRINCE2® Foundation Exam success!