Filling the PMI-ACP Exam Application Form – Job Experience Description Sample

Filling the PMI-ACP Exam Application Form

In the PMI-ACP® Certificate application form, candidates are requested to include details of their project experiences in Agile (and traditional) projects.

PMI-ACP® applicants must have:

  • at least 2,000 hours working on project teams within the last 5 years; AND
  • at least 1,500 hours working on Agile project teams or with Agile methodologies within the last 3 years.

In addition to the project title, duration, company, sponsors/managers/supervises/etc. and the role in the project, PMI-ACP® candidates are required to include a description about each individual project included in the PMI-ACP® application in around 1000 characters.

This posts a bit headache to the applicants, especially if the applicant is not a PMP holder. Does PMI require a long essay with detailed descriptions of everything about the project? Luckily NOT.

But PMI will ask the applicants to rewrite the job descriptions if not considered satisfactory. “How to write a good enough job description for the PMI-ACP® Exam application” is always a top FAQ of PMI-ACP® Exam but PMI does not answer the question.

Tips on Writing PMI-ACP® Job Experience Description

With my experience in writing the job descriptions for both my PMP and PMI-ACP® Exam, I would guess the number one thing PMI looks for is your understanding about the project management methodologies according to PMI’s eyes. Below are some tactics I employed to write my PMI-ACP® and PMP Job Experience descriptions:

  • Include the objectives, deliverables / outcomes and your personal role in the project
    • Your personal role is particular important as PMI does not need to know the detailed vision and mission of the project. However, your involvement in the Agile project will help PMI judge whether you have the necessary experience to qualify for the PMI-ACP® exam.
  • Make use of PMI terminology
    • for PMI-ACP® application, try to use more “Agile terms” to show PMI that you understand Agile, e.g. daily standup meeting, timebox, iteration, MMF
    • This would also show PMI that you are well prepared for the PMI-ACP® Exam.
  • Can be written in point form to slim down your description to meet the character limits
    • No need to be in paragraphs or complete sentences.
    • Though this is not a test of your English writing skills, you should double check to make sure the description is free from spelling or grammatical mistakes.
  • Touch on every aspect / process / stage of the project
    • No need to include details of everything of every stage / process, but show that you are involved in the project and you know intimately what you are doing.

My PMI-ACP® application have been successfully accepted by PMI without hassles and the project descriptions for the Agile projects included in my application form are documented below with the hope that it may help some PMI-ACP® aspirants.

PMI-ACP® Application Form Project Experience Description Samples

Traditional Project Experience Description Sample

The 2000 hours project team experience is waived as I am a PMP. If you are including “traditional” / “waterfall” project experience, you are advised to take reference to my PMP Job Experience Description Sample. I made use of the terms found in the PMBOK® Guide and my PMP application was accepted by PMI without questions.

Agile Project Experience Description Sample

I included two Agile projects in my application. Below are my Agile Project Experience Description Samples:

Agile Project 1

Project Role:
Designer and Developer

The project aimed at creating a information system to share and organize activity information. The design/interface of the website was developer iteratively over a series of UX testing and enhancements. The core features were incrementally added through each iteration. Shippable features (MMF) were released to production once testing was done and approval was sought from the customer.

Agile tools, techniques, knowledge skills and methods used on this project:

  • Creation of project charter and product vision
  • Agile planning and prioritization techniques Daily team stand-up meetings
  • Frequent delivery and release (with a delivery schedule of 4 weeks)
  • Frequent verification and validation with customer and end-users (e.g. A/B testing)
  • Continuous Improvement of process and product

Agile Project 2

Project Role:
Designer and Developer

The project is an ongoing revamp and redesign project for a website / web application. The website is
powered on LAMP stack and is used by visitors to search for information and solutions. A lot of tests
and enhancements are made to encourage user engagement through usability, design and feature
enhancements. The team is co-located. A number metrics are used to track the progress of the project.

Agile tools, techniques, knowledge skills and methods used on this project:

  • Creation of project charter and product vision
  • Agile planning and prioritization techniques
  • Daily team stand-up meetings
  • Frequent delivery and release (with a delivery schedule of 1-2 weeks)
  • Frequent verification and validation with customer and end-users (e.g. A/B testing)
  • Continuous Improvement of process and product

Summary: PMI-ACP® Application Project Description Sample

It is hoped that this article would give some assistance to PMI-ACP® aspirants to understand how to compose the Agile project experience description in their PMI-ACP® Certification application form in order to successful pass the completeness checking of PMI. Further tips, study resources and exam experience sharing on PMI-ACP® Exam can be found here.

Most Popular PMI-ACP Certification Articles

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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27 Responses

  1. Randi says:

    You mentioned you will know if you are being audited, you find out the same day you submit? Thanks for all the guidance!

  2. Sam says:

    Hi, I am trying to add my Agile Experience with Approach Hybrid and Scrum. Project Duration is – 1.5 yrs to 2 yrs. I am keep getting Error – Requirements Not Met. What am i missing here? Can you please guide

    • Edward Chung says:

      Sorry to hear about that. Would you please give me a bit more details? Thanks!

      • MB says:

        Sam& Edward,
        Was this ever resolved? I’ve spent hours on the application but still cant get the Agile experience to go on. Keeps saying Requirements Not Met.

      • FV77 says:

        I have the same problem.
        Whatever I include (even dummy text to get to the 100-word limit I get the same “Requirements Not Met” message which leads to 0 months of experience.
        I’ve contacted PMI to see if they can help.

      • Edward Chung says:

        That’s weird. Hope PMI get it sorted soon!

  3. Andreea says:

    Than you Edward for the support and examples.
    But, I have to admit I got somewhat stuck in the Agile Experience area. I added my project details, I added our Agile tools and techniques and even what I am doing as a SM for this project, yet what I have does not meet the requirements. I am getting a bit frustrated since my description is similar to yours, and nothing I try is really working. Is there another trick?
    Thank you !

  4. Mike Tang says:

    It’s a great article! Thanks! Will you be able to review my draft job experience description before I submit it

  5. Melek says:

    hi Edward, I will start to prepare for PMI-ACP.
    My questions is , are you aware of any exam content update recently ?
    I see the latest update is from 2018 , is that correct?
    I will purchase Mike Griffiths` book accordingly.

  6. Nathaniel West says:

    Excellent coverage of the PMI-ACP Exam. This website answered all of my questions. Thanks so much for you contribution to the project management community.

  7. Joan says:

    Hi Edward,
    How would you suggest someone working in the commercial architecture industry as a PM attain the additional “1,500 hours working on agile project teams or with agile methodologies” above and beyond the required 2000 PM hrs which I have through my current role? I’m interested in adding to my skill set to become more marketable and diverse with career options. Also do you have any specific resources recommendations to attain the 21 contact hours of training in agile practices.for someone not working directly in the software or finance fields? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  8. Amer Habbeh says:

    Hi Edward and many thanks for the info.
    Do you prefer to collect the technical projects in one project cause the steps are same . ?
    if the hours are more than 1500 hrs .? do u prefer to add it.

  9. Hesham Toulan says:

    Hello Edward,

    I am filling the Agile projects experience using scrum practices. Knowing that maximum sprints duration shouldn’t exceed 4 weeks which is 240 hours , so do i have to write six projects description?

  10. Mohan Kulkarni says:

    Dear Edward
    Thanks for this article–certainly very helpful.
    I am Mohan Kulkarni and have accomplished many automobile industry projects with agile mindset.I need your help.for me writing an application for PMI ACP examination. I am PMP
    What way the application can be written for the automobile plant creating project which is managed and developed using agile principles, values and with agile mind set but conventionally looked upon as a project under Waterfall methodology?
    What can be your advice and tips for writing an PMI ACP application considering such a project? Your inputs will be very valuable.
    Look forward to your advice.
    Best regards
    Mohan Kulkarni

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Mohan,

      Just describe what you are doing and it is fine. You are also advised to make use of the terms found in the PMI-ACP Exam syllabus that describe Agile project management.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  11. Yusuf says:

    Thanks very much

  12. Sam says:

    Hi, I have a couple of questions about filling experience info.

    Since I have been in an scrum team in the last five years,
    is it possible to separate the first four years into general project experience and the last year into agile experience?

    Besides, i was developer during first four years.

    Does it count towards as general project experience because I saw the word “summarize the tasks you managed for this project” ?

    It expects to be the manager role on managing the whole project or how I involve into the project as developer in the software life cycle?


    • Edward Chung says:

      Yes, the first four years could be regarded as general project experience. Since you are the developer, you need to manage the tasks that are assigned to you. There is no need for you to be the project manager in order to qualify for the PMI-ACP certification.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  13. Akshata says:

    Thank you for a very useful website. Much appreciated.

    For Agile project experience to be furnished in the application form, do you think it is OK to show my project role as “Project Manager”?
    I am skeptical because Agile otherwise doesn’t advocate ‘project manager’ role. In my organization though which follows more of a hybrid waterfall+agile approach my role has been of a PM. Do you recommend mentioning my role as rather “scrum master”?