Highly Recommended: PMI-ACP Exam Simulator Review

Excellent PMI-ACP mock exam with 480 unique questions — highly recommended for all PMI-ACP Aspirants.

Product by:
Cornelius Fitchner

Reviewed by:
On May 23, 2019
Last modified:February 28, 2023


Excellent PMI-ACP mock exam with 480 unique questions — highly recommended for all PMI-ACP Aspirants.

PMI-ACP Exam Simulator Review

What is the best way to be well prepared for the PMI-ACP® Exam? The answer varies from aspirants to aspirants. But one way almost all of them mention in their lessons learned is that doing mock exams repeatedly greatly help them to boost their exam readiness and confidence! I have already received hundreds of comments from PMI ACP applicants in the past indicating that they cannot find enough high-quality questions for the PMI-ACP® exam that come close to the actual exam in terms of difficulty and format for practice.

Fortunately, the PMI ACP exam simulator, published by the same publisher of the widely recognized PMP Exam Simulator (i.e. OSP International LLC (a PMI registered education provider), fills the gap in the market. These mock exam questions are an invaluable resource for exam preparation and I highly recommend them.


What You’ll Get by Purchasing PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator

  1. Access to up to 480 mock exam questions (4 full mock exams) for 90 days Access to up to 480 PMI-ACP mock exam questions (4 full PMI-ACP mock exams) for 90 days
    • The 90-day access counts only from beginning the first exam/quiz in the Exam Simulator i.e. if you take the first quiz in 10 May, you will have 90 days to access all the 480 mock exam questions.
  2. Realistic exam environment that resembles the real exam interface
    • the look and feel resembles the real PMI-ACP® Exam so that Aspirants can familiarize themselves with the actual exam taking.
  3. Detailed explanations for each individual mock exam questions Detailed explanations for each individual PMI-ACP mock exam questions
    • Each and every mock exam questions will be supplemented by detailed explanation on why the correct answers are correct and why the other answer choices are wrong
  4. Statistics on your mock exam performance
    • Your mock exam performance will be analysed to show your knowledge gaps (i.e. the areas / knowledge domains you need to work more on in order to be fully prepared for the exam)
  5. Live Feedback by PMI-ACP® Certification holdersLive Feedback by PMI-ACP Certification holders
    • if you have any queries over the answers of the mock exam questions, you will be able to ask instantly within the Exam Simulator interface and a PMI-ACP® Certification holder will attend to your queries asap by providing more detailed explanations with a view to clear your doubts
  6. Understand your Exam Readiness
    •  If you can get over 70-75% in a mock exam attempted for the very first time, you are ready to pass the real exam in first try!
  7. Advanced PMI Exam Strategies Email Course
    • Like everything in life, taking exams require strategies. If you haven’t tried other PMI Certification Exams, you will find this email course series very useful as it highlights all the points Aspirants should know in order to avoid common pitfalls for PMI Exams. This would save you from losing marks owing to overlooking and incorrect strategies — helping you to pass the exam in the first try.



  1. The publisher of PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator is a Project Management Institute Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.). The quality of the mock exam questions can be guaranteed. Plus, the owner of the company, Cornelius Fichtner, is a seasoned PMP with profound experience in project management training  (he is the producer of the online course Agile PrepCast™ (review here) which helped me to pass the exam with all Proficient).
  2. Each question is explained with detailed explanations to help Aspirants will be able to understand the reasons behind each correct (and incorrect) answer. And if there is still any doubts, the unique “Live Feedback” feature from inside the PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator allow Aspirants to ask any questions about the mock exam questions with a certified Exam trainer. This is the life-saver if you read the explanation to the answers and you still miss something. The qualified Exam trainer will discuss the topic till the queries are solved.
  3. Detailed statistics on the performance by domain and knowledge area to help Aspirants to discover their knowledge gap so that they can focus more on their weak areas.
  4. The Exam Simulator has been created with the latest website technology so that it looks good on both your desktop computer, iPad, mobile phones, iPhones — virtually any devices. Aspirants are not confined to seating before the desktop to take the exam practices.
  5. It is one of the largest mock exam question bank available on the market with 480 questions that resembles the most currently updated exam questions — since the questions are actively maintained by a group of qualified PMI-ACP® trainers to ensure the format, style and difficulty are very similar to the real exam.



  1. Perhaps 480 mock exam questions are just enough for PMI-ACP® Aspirants to get the required practice for the real exam.
  2. No PMI-ACP® Contact Hours will be provided by using the PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator.
  3. 90 days may not be enough if you are required to postpone your exam prep owing to personal or professional obligations. A fee is payable to extend the access period.


My Recommendation

In the past, I have received hundreds of comments from Aspirants stating they cannot find quality free and paid exam questions for new exam for their PMI-ACP® Certification Exam preparation. The PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator by Cornelius Fichtner is one of the best mock exams I can find on the market now.

Learn more about PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator (US$99)


If you are still in doubt, you may try the Exam Simulator for 7 days for FREE here (with 3 Mock Exams each with 26 questions)!

The 90-day access period begins only when one takes the first exam in the PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator (NOT on the date of purchase). If you find the 90-day access period not enough, the access period can actually be extended at a discount:

  • 30 days for $19.99
  • 60 days for $29.99



* If you find Exam Simulator suitable and if you enjoy my articles, please consider buying it though the links on this page. I will earn a small commission (at NO extra cost to you) to sustain my website costs. Thank you. You are most welcome to make use of my free study notes and other resources on this website whether you make purchases or not. This is my way to contribute to the project management community.

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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25 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Hi Edward,
    Between the PM Training and the Cornelius Fichtner PMI-ACP Exam Simulator, which one would you recommend? Based on my research it looks like PM Training offers a lot more in terms of questions and mock exams, however Cornelius Fichtner PMI-ACP Exam Simulator is also highly recommended, after using the trial I thought the interface was excellent. Please advise. Thanks.

    • Edward Chung says:

      They are pretty much of similar qualities. However, if I were forced to choose one, I would recommend the Cornelius Fichtner PMI-ACP Exam Simulator. This is because the questions are continually updated to reflect the latest changes to the exam based on the feedback of PMI-ACP candidates. The questions would be quite close to the real exam.

      Anyway, wish you PMI-ACP success!

  2. Moes says:

    thank you for your valuable work, did you try the whizlabs simulator for pmi-acp ?

  3. John Evers says:

    Thanks again. I bought the prepcast exam simulator. What would you recommend second, after the 480 q from Fichtner?

  4. John Evers says:

    Thanks – what do you mean with “Perhaps 480 mock exam questions are just enough for PMI-ACP® Aspirants to get the required practice for the real exam.” Do you intend to say that one may need more exam questions? Cheers, John

    • Edward Chung says:

      Yes, that’s what I mean. I did try way more mock exam questions during my exam prep, like over 1000 questions. But some aspirants may just need 480 and can succeed in the exam. Anyway, wish you PMI-ACP success!

  5. Cee says:

    Hi Edward,

    Thank you so much for your generosity with your experience and knowledge. I am taking the PMI ACP exam next week and your resources have been beyond helpful since the first day I started considering taking PMI ACP.

    As the last leg of exam prep I have been doing all the mock questions. I have finished those you listed on the other page and I have a few questions –
    1. For the PMI ACP Exam Simulator, it’s directed me to this page https://www.project-management-prepcast.com/ <- Is Prepcast the same as exam simulator? The interface does look similar to your screenshot.

    2. The free 60 questions I have done are relatively easier than I expected, hence the doubt of did I get directed to a wrong site (I left Exam Simulator questions the last to do… saving the best for later). I got 85-100%. Is its level of difficulty comparable to the actual PMI ACP Exam?

    Thanks so much for your kind help! Really appreciate it.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Yes, the PM PrepCast and the PMI-ACP Exam Simulator are created by the same PMP teacher, Corneliu Fichtner. In the case you can get over 85% from a good quality mock exam, maybe you have studied enough! Just try another mock exam to see if you are really ready! Wish you success!

  6. Jessie says:

    Do you have a valid promotion code for this simulator?

  7. Ravi says:

    Hi Ed, I am planning to take the exam by end of this month and need exam simulator only one month access. What would be price to have access only for 30 day and not 90 days?

  8. Raaju says:

    Prepcast or RMC, Which one is best…please honest answer Mr. Edward.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Actually, I did not have any experience with RMC. But I would highly recommend the Agile PrepCast as it is the course that helped me to pass my PMI-ACP Exam. Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  9. Ajay says:

    Hi Edward
    Do you have a discount coupon code for September 2018

  10. rishi sehgal says:

    How to get the free trial,
    Also, the $99 package – does it has answers also ?

  11. Sergio says:

    Hi Edward,

    I signed up to do the three free tests, but they have 26 questions not 60 as you said in your post.


    • Edward Chung says:

      Sorry I haven’t meant myself clearly, there are altogether 3 mock exams with 26 questions each — a total of 60+ questions that come with the trial account.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!