PMP / PMBOK Guide FAQ 10 – About PM PrepCast

pmp / pmbok guide faq 1

I prepared and passed the PMP Certification Exam by using PM PrepCast™, that’s why I recommend the PM PrepCast™ PMP Exam Prep study material to fellow PMP aspirants as a way to get the required PMI 35 contact hours as well as to be fully prepared for the actual PMP exam. Recently, I got an email enquiring about the PM PrepCast™.

Questions Before Purchasing the PM PrepCast™

Hello Edward,
I am preparing for the PMP exam. I believe I have the education and the required 4500 hours. I do need 35 PDUs. I am hovering over your website for last couple days and spent almost 6 hrs to find out if PM PrepCast™ is for me or not. I am almost at the point to purchase the product. I also see the discount coupon for PrepCast + Simulator.

Few Questions:
1) If I listen to the PM PrepCast™ Audios and Videos and follow the PMBOK® Guide 5th edition, do I still need the PM Formula Guide that Cornelius sells?

2) For that matter do I need any other resources (necessarily needed) to pass the exam?

3) With regards to downloading the videos: Can I download 4 videos on my iPhone and the remaining modules on android and some on PC or all has to be on one device? This is my biggest dilemma. Please address this.

4) If I am changing employer while I am in the application stage of the exam and I get an audit, will it be a big problem to go through the audit?

Thank you in advance for your replies.

The reader is about to make the purchase of PM PrepCast™ and would like to know a few things in more details. In particular, question number 3 is his biggest consideration. Below is my reply:

Thanks for your email.

  1. For the formula guide, it really depends on whether your maths skills are strong. The PMBOK® Guide gives little explanation on the calculation part. The formula guide will give you a more detailed explanation on the formulas and it also includes many calculation sample questions with explanation. It would provide the necessary guidance on how to tackle the calculation questions that appear on the real PMP exam paper. I did not purchase the guide myself. You will be able to get a discount if you purchase the formula guide after your PM PrepCast™ / bundle purchase.
  2. It is recommended to purchase one additional PMP reference book (according to a survey with 100+ PMP aspirants). I purchased the PMP book by Andy Crowe. Though some would just focus on the PMBOK® Guide alone. It all depends on your actual need.
  3. Sure, you can download and transfer the files anywhere you like. PM PrepCast™ does not limit the number of duplicates you make as long as it is for use by yourself. The files are normal MP4 files.
  4. I would recommend you to try to talk with your current employer about the job experiences you have entered in the PMP application form and get his/her consent in case you need to get the signature from him/her. Also, keeping a good relationship with your boss will ensure timely response from him/her.

Hope I have answered your queries. Wishing you PMP success!

The reader replied positively to my email:

Thank you for your prompt reply. I will buy the product soon.

1) I am an Engineer and ok with Math skills. I will skip the formula guide for now.

2) I am considering Rita Mulcahy, Kim Heldman and Head First PMP pdf versions on eBay for $60 all.

3) Thank you for informing me of the file format and clearing my doubts.

4) My employer knows my relocation situation and he is willing to extend his full support.

After reading his reply, I have further suggestions on the PMP Certification Exam study materials that he will be using for the PMP exam preparation:

1) I agree with you that you may not find the Formula Guide useful.
2) It is a steal. The only potential problem is that the 3 books together will consume you too much time. According to many PMP aspirants, it is preferable to study only 1 guide. Rita Mulcahy is probably the best among the three. Also, try to make sure the books are for the current edition of the PMP exam (i.e. PMBOK® Guide 5th edition).

Wishing you good luck!

If you still have queries about the PM PrepCast™ Exam Prep product or other PMP Certification related questions, do feel free to contact me through email or the comment form below. Wishing you PMP success!

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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