2 Ways to Have Free Web Hosting
Introduction: There are two different ways to get free web hosting. One simple approach is to find a free service by a web hosting company, but you will have to be very careful here as you might have to pay much more at the end of the day. The other more smart and practical approach is to ask your website to earn its hosting fee.
Free Web Hosting: Free Service
There are a large number of free website hosting providers available on the internet. A simple Google search for ‘Free Web Hosting’ will give you thousands of choices. Below are just a few of them:
Tempting as they are with the ‘FREE’ price tag, there are always some catches with them as the world has no free lunch. When setting up an account with them, you need to be very careful to read all the documents they ask you to give consent to lest there is some hidden terms that are unfavorable to you.
The following is a list of items you should investigate before signing up:
- Is a free domain name provided? Or you need to purchase one.
- Is there any limit on the storage space or traffic load (called bandwidth)? Will you be charged if you are over the limit? If any of them offer you ‘unlimited’ space or bandwidth, be sure to look at the fine prints, this is a sign of trouble.
- Can you take all your files with you if you would like switch to another free web hosting company?
- Would they insert advertisements to your website that might ruin your website design?
- Are their hosted servers stable and fast?
- Are their servers IPs not black-listed by Google and services alike for illegal activities?
- Do they provide any technical support or service?
- read more about the factors to consider when choosing a free WordPress hosting here
Remember that the biggest cost to your website is your time in designing, developing and writing the contents for the website. The cost of a quality web hosting is usually merely one-hundredth or even one-thousandth of the cost of your time.
Then is there any better alternatives to free web hosting for no extra cost? Read on.
Free Web Hosting: Website Pays for Itself
Many website owner understands the importance of quality. They want excellence for their websites. That’s why most of them would choose quality paid web hosting plan. In fact, websites hosted on reliable and trusted servers often get better ranking in search engines which would bring you more traffic. After all, the reason why you would like to set up a website is to get visitors to your website!
Then how to take care of the hosting bill? Through website advertisements. This is what I am doing with edward-designer.com
It is easy to earn enough revenue for the hosting fee as hosting fee has gone down significantly over the past few years. Top-notch hosting company like Bluehost.com offers you an unlimited plan with one free domain of your choice for as low as US$4.95 per month!
For a website with average traffic of 10000 visitors a month, it can pay for the hosting fee with 1 or 2 days of advertisement revenue. You may need to work hard for several months or a year before reaching this level or earning but once your website has enough quality contents, your earning will improve a lot even if you do not spend more time on it. With your website completely under your control, you can add Adsense advertisements (a maximum of 3 ads per page) and Adversal advertisemtns (can be used at the same page as Adsense to increase earning) at your will that will not break your website layout.
Adsense is the preferred choice for new websites as it has no minimum internet traffic requirements for using it, other web advertisement programs may refuse websites with low traffic. In this way, you can easily earn enough money to offset the hosting bill and have extra pocket money on the side.
The list below summarizes the steps to get a free website hosting plan that is reliable and of exceptional quality:
- Sign up a quality web hosting + domain name like Bluehost.com
- Set up your website and add quality contents (e.g. blogging about your interests)
- Add Adsense advertisement
- Enjoy free web hosting!