Agile PrepCast Review – Get 21 Contact Hours for PMI-ACP Exam With Agility

Even better for PMP Holders: You will also get 37 Cat A PDUs for your PMP re-certification!

Review of: Agile PrepCast
Product by:
Cornelius Fitchner
PMI-ACP Exam 2015

Reviewed by:
On June 6, 2017
Last modified:February 28, 2023


The online PMI-ACP Exam Prep course which gives me the required 21 contact hours as well as the needed preparation for me to get PMI-ACP certified — highly recommended for PMI-ACP aspirants.

agile prepcast must buy

Summary: If you would like to pursue the PMI-ACP® Exam, the Agile PrepCast™ is a great choice as a reasonably-priced online PMI-ACP® Exam prep which gives you:

  • 21 Contact Hours required for the PMI-ACP® application
  • full coverage of the PMI-ACP® Exam syllabus – can be used as a PMI-ACP® Exam Prep at the same time of earning the 21 Contact Hours
  • (if you are a PMP) additional 37 PMP PDU in Category A

I made use of the Agile PrepCast™ to help me pass the PMI-ACP® Exam in 1st attempt with perfect score (i.e. all proficient levels). And the Agile PrepCast™ has been completely updated to reflect the latest changes to the PMI-ACP® Exam in 2017. I whole-heartedly recommend the Agile PrepCast™ to your PMI-ACP® success!

Note: The contact hours earned through Agile PrepCast is valid forever for the PMI-ACP® Exam.


The Agile PrepCast™ is also good for just learning more about Agile and Agile methodologies if you do not intend to get PMI-ACP® certified for the time being as the 21 contact hours for PMI-ACP® Exam will NEVER expire. You will qualify for the PMI-ACP® Exam forever.


What’s Unique About Agile PrepCast™

Many students claim the Agile PrepCast™ to be the best PMI-ACP® exam prep on the market. Below listed the unique features (in my own opinion as a student of the PMI-ACP® training course) that set the Agile PrepCast™ apart from the rest of the competition:

  1. All lessons can be downloaded as podcasts so that you can watch / listen to the lessons whenever you go (without internet connection). Most other online PMI-ACP® prep courses require you to be connected to the internet while watching / listening. You can download the lessons files to as many devices as you like!
  2. There is no time limit to make use of the lesson files, that is once you have purchased it, you can own the downloaded files forever! There is also no limit on when you get the 21 Contact Hours for your PMI-ACP®. If you have purchased the Agile PrepCast™ but could not proceed with your PMI-ACP® Exam for the time being, you will be able to use it as the Contact Hours anytime in future.
  3. Thorough explanation with vivid visual aids of all the Agile concepts and methodologies required for the PMI-ACP® exam
  4. Lessons are broken down into small chunks of around 30 minutes, ideal for on-the-go study
  5. Detailed explanation of the PMI-ACP® exam syllabus (unique among other PMI-ACP® exam prep course)
  6. Inclusion of 3 interviews with successful PMI-ACP® exam takers
  7. Four lessons on applied Agile concepts teaching you how to select Agile vs waterfall project management, using Agile for product development other than IT applications, Agile and project portfolio management, etc. which will help you in your everyday work
  8. Touch upon PMI code of ethnics and professional conducts, great for students new to this material and a good reminder course for PMPs



What You Get by Purchasing Agile PrepCast™

  • Over 40 hours of high quality video lectures, covering covers Agile frameworks, methods, concepts, tools and techniques you need to be familiar with in order to take the PMI-ACP® Certification exam. Cornelius helps you to digest all the materials so that you can understand the concepts readily without memorization. Each lessons is around 25 minutes so that you can complete a lesson within short free time like lunch or transit.
  • Student Workbook is also included to help to progress through the lessons.
  • Certificate for 21 contact hours for the PMI-ACP® exam after passing the Final Exam.
  • Subscription to a 10-part “10 Cornerstones of Agile” email course leading you step-by-step through the 10 most important cornerstones of Agile Project Management.
  • Access to the PMI-ACP® Exam discussion forum where experienced instructors including Cornelius will discuss and answer your questions.

And the Agile PrepCast™ Elite

The newly launched Agile PrepCast™ Elite is a combo of the Agile PrepCast™ plus the PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator. In addition to the above items for the Agile PrepCast™, subscriber of the Agile PrepCast™ Elite will be able to gain access to the following:

  • The PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator with 480 PMI-ACP® mock exam questions for 90-day access period (note: NOT counted from the date of purchase but from the first day of attempting the PMI-ACP® mock exam questions — i.e. you can purchase the Agile PrepCast™ Elite now and make use of the PMI-ACP® Exam Simulator for 90 days only when you have fully revised the Agile PrepCast™ course)


The Instructor

The instructor, Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM was the president of the Orange County PMI Chapter in 2007. With the success of widely acclaimed PM PrepCast™, Cornelius does a phenomenal job again with the Agile Project Management PrepCast video lessons. Many students use both his Project Management PrepCast and Agile Project Management PrepCast video lessons to pass the PMI PMP and PMI-ACP® exams in first attempt.

About The PM PrepCast™

The PM PrepCast™ is an online downloadable PMI PMP exam prep course which includes the PMI required 35 contact hours of project management education. I purchased the PM PrepCast™ for preparation and successful passing of the PMP Exam. It is excellent and I never regret using it. You may read more about my review on PM PrepCast™ here.



The Agile PrepCast™ Overview

The Agile PrepCast™ is a downloadable PMI-ACP® course which can be downloaded to your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android or any mobile phones capable of playing videos. You can own the videos forever and watch whenever you like (many other online PMI-ACP® exam prep courses have time limits and you can only listen to the lessons while you are online). If you are using iOS devices, the Agile PrepCast™ can be added as a webcast and automatically sync between your iOS device and iTunes without the need of installing extra softwares.

One thing many PMI-ACP® aspirants find it most difficult is the diverse scope of the knowledge required for the PMI-ACP® Exam. A lot of different reference books (in total 11 reference books as outlined in the PMI-ACP® examination reference list) are needed in order to be prepared for the exam. Luckily, the team behind Agile Project Management PrepCast has done the hard work for you. By just watching the Agile Video PrepCast lessons, you will learn all the concept, tools & techniques required for the exam without having to read dozens of other books (that are over 5000 pages in total!). Many Agile PrepCast™ users has successfully passed the PMI-ACP® exam relying just on the Agile PrepCast™ (of course you need to write down your notes while watching and revising them for the exam).

The Agile PrepCast™ does not stop at preparing you for the PMI-ACP® exam only. The Agile PrepCast™ goes into a lot more details in the agile concepts and application, thus you can apply the knowledge you gain in your everyday work. The best part is that as you can keep the Agile PrepCast™ forever, you can refer to it as many time as needed in future.

Don’t worry if your mother tongue is not English. Me too. But as the Agile PrepCast™ is presented in simple English and the instructor speaks clearly and slowly, you can definitely catch up with the video lessons.



  1. The publisher of Agile PrepCast™ is a Project Management Institute Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.). That means the course material fulfills the highest standard set by PMI.
  2. Cornelius is a seasoned PMP and a professional radio station host. His sense of humor is intertwined throughout the whole course giving you a bit of surprise here and there. You will always look forward to the ending farewell message of each episode. Cornelius even appear in person in one of the episodes, do look for it!
  3. The whole course is professionally recorded in a studio. The voice quality is superb. There is no annoying background noise common to amateur online videos.
  4. After passing the online examination (called Final Exam) , you will get the Certificate for 21 Contact Hours which fulfills the requirements of 21 contact hours for the PMI-ACP® exam. The Final Exam can be taken for an infinite number of times until you have passed.
  5. The slides used in the lesson videos are beautifully illustrated with related photos.
  6. PM PrepCast™ currently has more than 30,000 students while Agile PrepCast™ has more than 1000 students (there are currently below 7000 PMI-ACP® according to PMI). So many people can’t be wrong.
  7. In case you are not satisfied with Agile PrepCast™, you can ask for a full refund within 90 days of purchase. The only condition is that you must not have taken the Final Exam.



  1. You will need to search for additional PMI-ACP® sample exam questions in order to familiarize yourself with the exam format if you purchase the Agile PrepCast™ alone.
  2. If you would listen to every episode of the Agile PrepCast™, it would take you more than 40 hours. However, only 21 contact hours are needed by PMI for the PMI-ACP® exam.
  3. You will need to take notes by pen or on your computer as the original powerpoint slide files (the .ppt files) are not included in the course. You may make use of my PMI-ACP® study notes and/or purchase the recommended PMI-ACP® Exam Prep Book.


My Recommendation

Agile/scrum project management knowledge is almost a must in software development, product development and many other industries. Agile provides the flexibility to respond to changes rapidly. Project managers and PMP having agile knowledge will give you a competitive advantage over other project managers as more and more companies are adopting agile project management methodologies. I study for the PMI-ACP® Exam with the primary aim of understanding more about the theoretic knowledge of Agile methodologies and earning 37 PMP PDU for my PMP re-certification.

The Agile PrepCast™ is by far the most comprehensive online downloadable PMI-ACP® exam prep workshop which you can carry anywhere. For just US$199, you get the complete exam prep solution to your PMI-ACP® exam which includes the indispensable PMI required 21 contact hours certificate. For current PMPs, you can also claim 37 Category A PDUs (Category A is without upper limits) which is more than half required for the PMI PMP 3-year recertification PDU requirements. Research has shown that more than half of the students of Agile PrepCast™ purchase the Agile PrepCast™ to understand Agile as well as to earn the PDU. In short, Agile PrepCast™ is ideal for getting to know Agile project management, earning PDU as well as tackling the PMI-ACP® exam.

If you are looking for a complete PMI-ACP® examination preparation material that provides you with both the required 21 contact hours as well as the practical information that will benefit your everyday work or if you would like to gain in-depth knowledge in Agile plus earning 37 PMP PDU, look no further. Agile PrepCast™  is your definite choice!

And if you also need to practice PMI-ACP® mock exam questions, the Agile PrepCast™ Elite combo will offer you an additional 480 quality mock exam questions at a deep discount of US$279 US$251*, it will be the best investment for your PMI-ACP® examination preparation.

Current Discount Coupon Code for Agile PrepCast™


Learn more about Agile PrepCast™


Appendix: How to download all the lecture videos via itunes?

One of the big pluses of Agile PrepCast™ is that all the lecture videos of the Agile PrepCast™ can be downloaded and kept by you forever. And Agile PrepCast™ has made it easy to download all the videos via itunes (which should be the most popular podcast subscription app). You may refer to the following video for a detailed instruction.

But if you are in a hurry, just skim to around 4.15 of the video which would show you to select “Feed” in the “Show:” drop down menu (please refer to the screen capture below):

Download all lectures via itunes

Download all lectures via itunes


Please note that the above links are affiliate links, I will earn a small commission to sustain my website to help other PMi-ACP aspirants at NO extra cost to you if you purchase it through these links. Thank you.

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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41 Responses

  1. Cyril Chinkata says:

    Thanks Edward for such a great work. I’m currently putting plan to write the PMP -ACP exams this December. I’m currently PMP certified.
    Kindly send to my email the materials useful to be proficient in the 7 domains and a tip to get a better discount purchasing the Agile Precast material. Thank you

  2. David Graham Murray says:

    Hi Edward, your website is very helpful. Thank you. I am interested in purchasing prep cast to assist with my upcoming PMI-ACP-EXAM. One question please. At what point can you claim the 37 PMP PDUs? Is this available on purchasing the prep cast, or is there a requirement to complete some test?


    kind regards

  3. David Graham Murray says:

    Hi Edward

    Thanks for the guidance here. Great coverage!

    One question please, as a PMP certified, how do I claim the additional 37 PMP® PDU in Category A for taking the Agile PrepCast?


    • Edward Chung says:

      You just need to finish the course, take the quiz and get the course completion certificate. Then you can go to PMI dashboard to claim the PDUs as usual. Thanks!

  4. Tony says:

    Hi Edward,
    Great website you are running. I am PMP certified and started to work on an Agile project using JIRA 4 weeks ago, however I am not qualified in Agile and therefore I believe PMI-ACP is the best qualification to pursue, do you agree with this? Also, do you know how much it costs to take the exam? and if I fail how much it would take to retake?
    Look forward to hearing from and keep up the good work

  5. Malek Safa says:

    Hello Edward, thank you a lot for the above detail.

    i just have a quick question, does PrepCast also provide some soft copy materials for reading or everything is on videos?

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Malek,

      For the Agile PrepCast, all the study materials are on the video (without softcopy for the slides in the videos). You are highly advised to purchase an additional PMI-ACP exam prep book. Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  6. Sen says:

    Hello there!
    If i enroll in Agile PrepCast Elite combo course, will that be sufficient for all my needs of getting the PMI ACP Certification –
    1. 21 PDU Contact hours
    2. Text book material equivalent
    3. Exam simulator
    4. Mock Exam questions.

    I did read your another article praising PMI ACP book – RMC PMI-ACP Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths. So, my question is – if i enroll for Agile PrepCast Elite combo course, am i still required to read through the Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths? Won’t the Agile PrepCast Elite cover all my needs of getting certified? If it is definitely a need to read Mike Griffiths to pass the ACP exam, i am up for it. But I wanted to make sure that, before i invest that additional money and time.
    Thank you for your time and response!!!

  7. Shrabani Patra says:

    Hi Edward,
    I am planning to give my PMI-ACP certification in the next 3-4 months. Currently I am getting a hold of the approach and preparations needed for completing the certification. The exam tips and resources present at your website is a good kick start to my preparation.
    I was planning to buy the ‘Agile -Prepcast’ elite version containing 480 sample questions along with the content. However what did interest me is the additional 37 PMP® PDU in Category A which will be provided with this course since I need to renew my PMP certification this year. Do we have any other PMI-ACP course which has the combined benefit of providing PDU’s for PMP continuity? Any help and suggestions would be great. I will be reaching out to you for further questions.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Shrabani,

      Thanks for your query. I am sure there are other course packages out there which will provide you with both PDUs and exam prep for PMI-ACP. However, I did find the Agile PrepCast most suitable for me and I did not look further. I made use of the same series of exam prep course, the PM PrepCast, for my PMP Exam and it was exceptional and therefore the Agile PrepCast is the obvious choice for PMI-ACP Exam.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  8. Vishal says:

    Hi Edward
    I have completed my CSM certification 12/2016 which will be expiring soon in 12/2018. I want to go for PMI-ACP certification. I have questions
    1. for CSM, since I have attended 2 days classroom training + exam, can I use contact hours ?
    2. If yes, how many?
    3. If above works, also since PMI-ACP required 21 contact hours. How can I earn remaining hours. Do have specific online training to fill in those hours?


  9. ACP says:


    Please confirm if Pass/Fail grade would be provided at the end of the course. This is required to get part of the expenses covered by my company.

  10. Max Ebraham says:

    I want to purchase PMI ACP Exam prep cast, but i am not sure if it cover the PMI ACP exam changes in March 2018, is the exam simulator, practice questions and other material updated as per the new requirements?

    • Edward Chung says:

      Yes, all the PMI-ACP Exam Prep family products have been completely updated to the latest exam syllabus of PMI-ACP.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

      • Max Ebraham says:

        I have purchased the bundle package (Elite) which should include prepcast plus simulator, but when i login to the details provided through email, i am unable to access any type of tutorial. The My Courses section shows only the Simulator exam…

      • Edward Chung says:

        Oh, that should never be the case. I would highly suggest you contact the company behind the Agile PrepCast at your earliest convenience to make things right.

        Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  11. Arnab Mukherjee says:

    Hi Edward,

    I am preparing for my PMI-ACP Exam. I passed my PMP Exam Last Year in July and I thank you for all the guidance you have provided.

    For the PMI-ACP, I have enrolled for the PMI-ACP course by Joseph Phillips (udemy). In addition to the Lectures by udemy, I will also be studying the PMBOK Agile Guide 6th Edition.

    What additional books, resources, Exam questions I need to study for passing the exam.

    I appreciate all your help and support.



  12. Amogh Trimbakkar says:

    Hi Edward Chung

    Greetings from Amogh Trimbakkar!!
    My PMI ACP certification application has been approved today.
    But the PMI ACP syllabus will change from 26th March 2018, so I am not sure whether
    I should wait for the new exam or appear before 26th March 2018. Also do you recommend
    book by
    PMI- ACP Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths
    PMI-ACP® Exam Prep, Premier Edition: A Course in a Book for Passing the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP®) Exam
    with the agile course to pass the PMI ACP exam?

    Also did you also take the online quiz from Agile prepcast?

    Amogh Trimbakkar

    • Edward Chung says:

      Rest assured that even though it is said that the PMI-ACP exam will adopt a new exam syllabus, it is actually some small changes in some terms used (as a result of the publication of the new PMBOK Guide 6th edition). The majority of the content will stay the same and there is no need to defer your exam prep schedule indeed.

      Yes, I make use of the resource you named except the online quiz from Agile PrepCast as it was not available at the time of my exam.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  13. Ng Ka Leung says:


    I am working on software project would be using in agile. So, should I go on the pmi-acp or csm?

    And do I have enough time to start now for the acp exam Thur agile precast?

    • Edward Chung says:

      Whether taking PMI-ACP or CSM exams really depend on which types of Agile you are practising, if you work with Scrum, CSM would be the go-to certification. However, for broader agile knowledge, PMI-ACP is preferred.

      Actually, there will be very little changes to the PMI-ACP exam. If you would like to get PMI-ACP certified, it is perfect to begin now.

      Wish you Agile Certification success!

  14. It states that once completing these courses, you are forever ready to complete the exam. Do you recommend completing the application prior to starting this course? Or complete that during or after? I am struggling with the application piece and do not know where to start.

    • Edward Chung says:

      Yes, once you have earned the 21 contact hours for agile project management, you will be eligible for the PMI-ACP Exam forever as the contact hours will never expire. For your info, I completed the course before my application. This would allow me to make use of the Agile terms in my project description which would help you tremendously to pass the PMI audit.

      Wish you PMI-ACP success!

  15. Sam says:

    Hi Edward,
    How long did you prepare for the PMI-ACP?

  16. Ameet says:

    Hi Edward,

    first of all, your website is the best in terms of someone writing about their certification journey. I used your website extensively to prepare for my PMP exam and I passed it in the first week of August so thank you for that! 🙂

    I am currently preparing for the ITIL foundations exam and I happened to see your posts on the PMI-ACP certification. I am thinking of working on this certification after the ITIL one but I have a question. I don’t think I have ever worked in an Agile environment as none of my work was related to websites or software. Do you have any idea on what sort of experience counts for this certification? It may turn out that I have no experience in this field as yet but I am definitely interested in learning about Agile because a lot of organizations do ask for this as part of their requirements.

    Any feedback from your end would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. Keep up the good work!



    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi Ameet,

      Congratulations on passing the PMP Exam!

      Like the PMP Exam, the PMI-ACP Exam requires the aspirants to have formal working experience and training in Agile project management. It seems that the ITIL Foundation is more suitable for you. Or you can try the CSM (Certified Scrum Master), which is a more popular Agile certification than PMI-ACP, without the need for any experience in Agile.

      Anyway, wish you Certification success!

  17. Fábio says:

    Hi Edward, congratulations ! You made a great job writing this tips ! Thank you ! It helps a lot !

  18. aj says:

    Another question: Are there interactive quizzes throughout the lessons?

    • Edward Chung says:

      Since the files are normal video files, there are no interactive quizzes during the lessons. The quizzes are included in separately downloaded PDF files.

  19. aj says:

    Can I download the files onto different PCs? For example, one for home, and one for work, and one for tablet, etc? And, what if the files go bad, can I download again? Or back it up?

    • Edward Chung says:

      Sure, you can download the files to as many devices as you like. You will be able to download the files from the producer’s server as long as the version you purchased is the current version (i.e. the PMI-ACP exam version has not been changed).

  20. san says:

    The pros of ‘Agile PrepCast’ say: The powerpoint slides are beautifully illustrated with related photos.
    The cons of ‘Agile PrepCast’ say: You will need to take notes by pen or on your computer as the powerpoint slide files are not included in the course.
    Does the prepcast include powerpoint slides or not?

    • Edward Chung says:

      Hi San,
      Sorry that I have meant myself clearly. In fact, the powerpoint slides are displayed inside the videos (the .mp4 files) and NOT separate .ppt files are included. As we cannot copy texts from the videos, we need to type the notes by ourselves. Hope this answer your query. Thanks!