Feedback For Edward’s PMP Exam Journey Website
It is totally beyond my imagination that my PMP Exam journey website would be visited by so much people around the world. When I first uploaded the blog posts about my PMP Exam journey, it was my humble wish that the posts can be of use to PMP aspirants so that they would not need to spend so such time searching the internet for PMP Exam related information. It turns out that many PMP aspirants find my website very useful. Many of you have even taken the trouble to write me how my sharing on the PMP Exam has helped you. Thanks a lot for all your encouraging feedback. I treasure all your feedback.
Selected Feedback About PMP Exam Journey Website
Hi, this is Henry – hopped on your site a month ago via google search. In short, I failed my 1st attempt PMP exam about a month ago. By chance, I was directed to your wonderful site during my prep at the early stage of the 2nd attempt. With your easy to digest notes and comfortable colour theme (ever liked green until your pick), I got myself much better prepared (especially the formula part!!). And at the end of my 2nd attempt this afternoon, I PASSED!
Thank you SO MUCH again! It was a stressful month (plus my eligible period ends at the end of Sept), I am not sure if I will fail without your notes – but I most likely will suffer much more without them.
I do not know how to thank you more for your big effort and providing such a useful resource at free of charge. Don’t even know if there is a way to send you at least a coffee voucher and say thank you!
After all, thank you again! All the best to your design career and have a wonderful day!
Henry Lai, PMP
I hope you are doing great. Today i took the PMP exam and i have passed. I got less proficient in executing & closing, moderately proficient in initiating, planning and proficient in monitoring and controlling. Your website on PMP section gave me lot of valuable insights about the exam and it helped me a lot in preparing for it. I wish to thank you Edward for your valuable time and effort. Carry on with your great work….
Thanks a lot. The information on earning PDU’s is really great. You are doing a great job with your website and its definitely useful for PMP aspirants and beyond that. I will sure inform my colleagues about your website and be a part of its growth……
Murali Krishnan, PMP
Just wanted to let you know that I passed the PMP yesterday! Thanks again for your terrific study materials — they really helped a lot! I will be posting some mindmap charts as soon as I have a chance to clean them up a bit.
Kim, PMP
I passed my exam yesterday in which your website helped a lot. I found many things which are not available in PMBOK® Guide and Rita versions. I am really thankful for your efforts invested in writing such a great materiel.
Hafiz Muhammad Saqib, PMP
Hi Edward I just wanted to thank you for your excellent website on PMP. Your condensed simplified notes were very helpful, especially section 17 formulas. Passed the exam last week and your info contributed to my success.
Mike Lachock, PMP
I’m Sarah a female engineer from Sudan. Recently I have planned to take the PMP certification and I had the pleasure of finding your website and I have to say I’m pleased to have found it. It’s quite informative and it’s helping me a lot as a guide through my journey. I just wanted to say thank you and wish you the best of luck.
Sarah M. Abdul-Jalil, PMP
I just got my PMP certified confirmation and I felt that I should thank you because your material on PMP was immensely helpful to me. As I believe, idea of sharing knowledge is a quality of truly talented person.
I am living in Sri Lanka and if you are ever visiting to this island please contact me via face book..(Migara Amithodhana) or e-mai and I am willing to help you because I think that is the least I can do for you to convey my gratitude.
Migara Amithodhana, PMP
You blog has been very helpful in final preparation…Thanks a lot in helping me prepare and clear.
Cheers Vinod, PMP
Thanks dear for wonderful service for PMP and ITIL® aspirants. I had gone through your article on pmp journey a week before my exam and it helped me lot Thanks. Now, I’m planning to attempt ITIL® foundation exam.your article is the best I can say to know everything about ITIL® exam. Great work.Thanks Again.
Dayesh, PMP
My name is Ramraj,I just want to inform you that I passed my PMP exam today. I followed Rita book along with your material posted on your website. Your website helped me a lot in preparation, you almost summarized the whole book into single bullet points. Once again, Thanks for your help by creating such helpful information. I really appreciate it.
Ramraj, PMP
Well, I have some good news to share. I passed my PMP. Yeahhh!!! So I am now an accredited PMP professional. I want to thank you for the materials you developed. They were very helpful in helping me study.
Gabriel Martinez, PMP
Dear Friend, May you don’t know me, but I am one of your blog followers, and I followed your steps in PMP and passed the exam yesterday, so I want just to say “Thank you”.
Ehab M. Shaaban, PMP
Hope you are dong well. I have gone through your “The Complete PMP Exam Guide”, it is excellent. I was working in Dubai. I want to apply for PMP.
Shammoor, PMP
Thanks! I have been using your website as a summary browse through to revise my understanding of the topics. Cool stuff ! Ok, shall drop you an email should I have anything which I cannot crack.
Teck Lung, PMP
Thank for all the avise about the PMP process you putted in your webpage, it helps me a lot during my PMP preparation journey! Thank you very much for the help.
Héctor, PMP
Good day ! I’m the reader from Singapore, currently planning to do PMP cert. Appreciate your effort to make PMP so much interesting. Thank you and good day !
Christine, PMP
Today I found your articles about PMP and still reading. It is great! I am an IT Project Manager since 2008 and I am preparing for PMP exam for 1 week.
I had Project Management 1 and 2 courses in my Masters Degree in 2 semester. Additionally I attended several PM trainings in the company (lecturers from different consulting companies). With these official attendance certificates I believe I have enough 35 contact hours. Thus I think I don’t need online courses you suggested at least to save money. Please correct me if I am wrong?
Basing on these could you please suggest me order of study. I am reading PMBOK® Guide currently and planning to read Rita’s book afterwards which will be followed by Andy Crowe’s book. I am also planning to submit online application form after reading PMBOK® Guide. This approach is based on your suggestions in your blog as well as other websites by PMPs.
Ulan, PMP
I came across your website while searching for PMP. And the way you recorded your journey is absolutely fantastic! Appreciate all the good work. Thank you!
Ram., PMP
I recently passed my PMP exam, and wanted to say thanks for the helpful and informative blog. I am also located in Hong Kong, so your information on the process, testing center, methods and specific resources were invaluable. I also wanted to get your impression on what you think of the PMP certification after you have had it a while? I have been a PM for many years, and as I just went through the process to get the certification, I still do not quite know what to make of it. PMI teaches their own methods and jargon, which requires that you leave a lot of what you learn in the real world at the door and see project management through their system. How do you view the PMP cert as a measure of competency, and how do you view those who pass it?
Aaron, PMP
Greetings from India!!! I would like to take this occasion to “Thank you” for your brilliant work.
I happened to read every notes which is presented in your website . This has helped me to get PMP Exam Certified on 4-June-2014.Your notes on every knowledge and process areas were too good .It was easier for me to understand (Crisp\clear points from PMBOK® Guide).
Keep up your good work . I would also like to help my colleagues here in India to enable them getting PMP.
Srinivasan G, PMP
Greetings Edward! My name is Darryl Agee and I instruct a PMP prep class in the US, in the state of Virginia. It’s a small community college and I teach 4-5 classes each year with about 15 students in each class.
I came across your blog and information about your experience while taking the PMP exam when I was researching PMP prep material. I just wanted to compliment you on the content, your writing style and the information you provide. I think it’s very relevant and I tell the students to review your content as a checkpoint against their knowledge and what they have studied so far. We use the Rita Mulchahy RMC material, which is great material.
I just wanted to let you know that your blog has lots of fans including myself.
Darryl Agee, PMP
I went through your notes before my PMP. It was of great help for revision. I cleared the exam in my first attempt. Thank you so much for posting the notes online.
Priyadharshini.C.M., PMP
I’m a project manager in the USA. I reviewed your PMP study notes. Great work! They are very succint and will hopefully help me pass the PMP test. I just wanted to say Thank You!.
Gabriel Martinez, PMP
Thanks for the wonderful information you have publish on internet regarding the PMP it is very details and excellent. Thanks for helping all the student out there.
Sarfaraj Khan, PMP
Firstly I would like to thank you for the website. It helped me a lot during my PMP preparation. I cleared my PMP exam on 11-March-2014.
Vineeth Dharmapalan, PMP
I just wanted to drop a note and say thank you. Passed my PMP today and I attribute it all to your website and your detail study notes. Couldn’t have done it without you!
Cherry, PMP
Thanks for creating such a beautiful and very intuitive website. I am preparing for PMP and create notes as powerpoint for each process. I keep reviewing it as much as I can. Your website is a supplement to my notes and I really enjoy reading it, it gives a quick summary of things.
I just wanted to convey my regards to you for this great effort.
Anant, PMP
My name is Harsha .I’m from India and work for cisco. I’m preparing for PMP exam. I found your article on PMP and found the notes and tips to be very useful. I would like to thank you for the same. I have just started to prepare for the exam and plan to take up the exam within the next 2-3 months.
Harsha, PMP
Most Popular PMP Certification Exam Articles
- My Exam Prep Tips and Free Resources (I got 4P and 1 MP)
- How to Get 35 Contact Hours Fast and Easy?
- Detailed Comparision of online PMP Courses
- Over 1000+ FREE Quality Mock Exam / Practice Questions
- A FREE Guide to Formulas and Calculation (with explanation and sample questions)
- 47 Commonly Confused Terms with detailed explanation
Dear Edward,
Thanks for detail guidance, on the exam approach for PMP. I currently pursuing PMP certification (PMBOK 6) and found your website very helpful. Could your please guide me with website where I can practice questions by knowledge areas?
Sure, you can take a look at the list of free PMP practice questions at
Wish you PMP success!
Hi Edward
I passed PMP exam today with 3P’s and 2MP’s. I had referred your PMP notes and proposed study material for the exam. Would recommend Edwel PMP Prep boot camp material as another great PMP text book, which clears good concepts on how change management and contract closure should be achieved step-by-step.
Thank you for your notes and prep-materials. It was immensely helpful.
Congratulations on passing the PMP Certification exam!
Yes, Edwel PMP Prep bootcamp text book is a great free tool that I made use of during my PMP preparation.
Hi edward,
Today (03-Dec-2014) i have cleared my PMP exam . Thanks for your support, i have totally followed your road map to become PMP. Even i have purchased PM exam simulator based on your suggestion, It helps me lot to clear the final exam.
Thanks for your support.
Vandhiadevan PMP
Congratulations! Your hard work pays off!