[Good News!] PMP Exam changes on 26th March 2018

Nearly 3 extra months for PMP Aspirants to take the current PMP Exam!

PMP Exam changes on 26th March 2018

PMI has just announced that the PMP Exam will change on 26th March 2018.

This essentially means that Aspirants will have more than 5 months from now to prepare and write (and pass) the PMP Exam based on the current edition.

This is a great news for Aspirants who are preparing for the exam as most aspirants would, in the past, expect that the PMP Exam would be changed on 1st January 2018. And they found a hard time to decide whether to begin the PMP journey now or wait until the first day of 2018. And whether they will be forced to take the PMP re-exam (if needed) based on PMBOK® Guide 6th edition…

Luckily, PMI’s announcement today has cleared the doubts.

It is highly advised that Aspirants to begin the PMP Exam journey now as there is still plenty of time to get certified without the risks associated with the new PMP Exam syllabus.

Perhaps you have yet to take up the decision whether to take the PMP Exam based on the current or new PMP Exam? The extra 3 months until 26 March 2018 maybe is your reason to take action now.

Remember, Aspirants on average require around 2 months to prepare and pass the PMP Exam. And even in the unfortunate case of failing the first try, there is still plenty of time to take the re-exam!

Take the current PMP Exam

If you would like to dive into the PMP Certification now, you may find useful exam prep tips and resources (including the lessons learned by me and many other successful PMP exam takers) here:

Take the new PMP Exam

But if you are still undecided on whether to take the current PMP Exam or the new PMP Exam on or after 26 March 2018, then this article is for you to understand the major differences between PMBOK® Guide 5the and 6th edition:

Wish you PMP success!

Most Popular PMP Certification Exam Articles

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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4 Responses

  1. Kalpana says:

    Hi Edward, I want to thank you for this site. It helped me tremendously in passing my PMP exam today. The 47 confusing terms, and practice test links were very helpful. Since I had 5th edition, your blog helped me get an understanding of the new areas as well. Appreciate your efforts on this blog.

  2. Vijay Garudeswar says:

    Hi Edward can you tell me how to prepare for PMP 6th edition

    • Edward Chung says:

      Sure Vijay,

      Actually, it is business as usual. The only difference so far is that the PMP Exam will see an update to the PMBOK Guide 6th edition. So you can still make references to my study guide here to get an overview of what to do to pass the exam: https://edward-designer.com/web/pmp/ (my study notes have been updated for the new PMP Exam and I will be updating the list of mock exams once the info is out).

      Wish you PMP success!