[PMI-ACP Exam Lessons Learned] How to Get Straight Above Targets in All Domains

PMP Exam Experience Sharing

Below is the PMI-ACP® Exam lesson learned from a recent PMI-ACP® Certification holder, Jehanzaib Bhatti – PMP, PMI-ACP®, FCCA, OCS who shares with us the experience from PMI-ACP® exam journey recently:

I have passed my PMI-ACP® examination today with all seven above targets. It took me 4 months to prepare for the exam; I would like to share the exam preparation techniques, which I used for PMI-ACP® Examination.

Exam Preparation Book

I used PMI – ACP Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths as primary source of my preparation. I read the book five times and I read Head First PMP twice. Mike Griffiths is a very good source of learning specially the exercises.


I practiced more than 700 questions before starting to solve Mock Exams, following are the details of practice question banks:

S.No Questions Bank Questions
1 Head First Practice Questions 151
2 Mike Griffiths Practice Questions 140
3 Sybex PMI Study Guide Practice Questions 180
4 Joseph Phillips Practice Quiz 70

Mock Exams

I did not buy any simulator rather I solved all free mock exams mentioned in Edward’s website and a few more mock exams, following are the details of mock exams:

S.No Mock Exams Questions
1 ACE the PMI ACP exam Mock 1 120
2 ACE the PMI ACP exam Mock 2 120
3 Mike Griffiths 20 Questions V1 20
4 Mike Griffiths 20 Questions V2 20
5 Head First Agile 120
6 Gr8pm 40
7 ProplanX 15
8 Agile Prepcast Mock 1 20
9 Agile Prepcast Mock 2 20
10 Agile Prepcast Mock 3 20
11 RMCLS Practice Test 60
12 PMIBlogSpot 118
13 Joseph Phillips Mock Exam 120
14 Whizlab 120
15 ACE the PMI ACP exam Mock 3 120
16 Simplilearn 120
17 PMIACPtraining 20
18 LeadingAnswers 20

Thanks Jehanzaib for sharing his PMI-ACP® lessons learned! Congratulations on your excellent results!

Wish you PMI-ACP® success!

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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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