7 Deadliest Communication Sins of Project Managers – PMI Webinar

7 deadly communication sins

Summary: This is the lecture notes of the recorded PMI webinar 7 Deadliest Communication Sins of Project Managers by Skip Weisman, Weisman Success Resources, Inc.

Webinar resources: www.howtoimproveleadershipcommunication.com/pm

#1 driver of your ability to influence

  • The #1 driver of your ability to influence is TRUST
  • easy to break, difficult to build up
  • TRUST is the absolute belief that when you are communicating your ideas, recommendations, suggestions and conclusions, you have my (or our team/organization’s) best interest at heart
  • #1 driver of TRUST: Communication

7 Deadliest Communication Sins of Project Managers

Communication Sin #1: Lack of Specificity

  • sin: missing/contradictory/confusing details/instructions
  • why? law of familiarity – takes thing for granted
  • solution: be specific, never take it for granted

Communication Sin #2: Lack of Focus on Desirable Behaviors

  • sin: language focuses on undesirable behaviors
  • why? lack of awareness & lazy communication
  • solution: focus on desirable behaviors

Communication Sin #3: Lack of Directness & Candor

  • sin: gossip, avoid direct conversation
  • why? low self-esteem, low trust relationship & lack of confrontation skills
  • solution: use direct conversation

Communication Sin #4: Lack of Immediacy

  • sin: procrastination, avoid and tolerate
  • why? low self-esteem, low trust relationship & lack of communication skills
  • solution: do it now

Communication Sin #5: Lack of Appropriate Tone

  • sin: raising voice, sarcasm, and hostile body gestures (words account for only 7% of message’s meaning, tone 38%, body language 55%)
  • why? lack of EQ, lack of respect
  • solution: never raise voice

Communication Sin #6: Lack of Focused Attention

  • sin: multi-tasking when talking, not active listening
  • why? it is a choice
  • solution: give attention

Communication Sin #7: Lack of Respectful ReBUTtals

  • sin: …, BUT …
  • why? lack of awareness and lazy communication habits
  • solution: don’t use BUT, use AND

3 Communication Belief of Champion Project Leaders

  1. The meaning of any communication is the response you get
  2. Always presume good intent
  3. There is no time like the present

3 Levels of High-Performacne Leadership Communication

  1. self communication
  2. group/team communication
  3. individual (1-on-1) communication

The CHAMP Leadership

  • C = Commitment, Clarity & Communication
  • H = Humility
  • A = Accountability to Measurable Results (Goals)
  • M = Motivation for Momentum
  • P = Preparation and Perpetuation for Profits


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Edward Chung

Edward Chung aspires to become a full-stack web developer and project manager. In the quest to become a more competent professional, Edward studied for and passed the PMP Certification, ITIL v3 Foundation Certification, PMI-ACP Certification and Zend PHP Certification. Edward shares his certification experience and resources here in the hope of helping others who are pursuing these certification exams to achieve exam success.

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